
  1. Liu, S., Stebner, A.P., Kappes, B.B., Zhang, X., “Machine learning for knowledge transfer across multiple metals additive manufacturing printers” 2021 Additive Manufacturing 39:1018 77. 10.1016/j.addma.2021.101877
  2. Liu, S., Kappes, B.B., Amin-ahmadi, B., Benafan, O., Zhang, X., Stebner, A.P. “A physics-informed feature engineering approach to use machine learning with limited amounts of data for alloy design: shape memory alloy demonstration.” 2021 Applied Materials Today 22:100898. 10.1016/j.apmt.2020.100898
  1. Johnson, N.S. Vulimiri, P.S. To, A.C. Zhang, X. Brice, C.A. Kappes, B.B. Stebner, A.P. “Invited Review: Machine Learning for Materials Developments in Additive Manufacturing” 2020 Additive Manufacturing 36:101641. 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101641
  2. Maloth, T. Ozturk, D. Hommer, G.M. Pilchak, A.L. Stebner, A.P. Ghosh, S. “Multiscale Modeling of Cruciform Dwell Tests with the Uncertainty-Quantified Parametrically Homogenized Constitutitve Model” 2020 Acta Materialia 200:893-907. 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.09.037
  3. Brunson, Z.D. Pilchak, A.L. Rao, S. Payton, E.J. Stebner, A.P. “An Expanded Martensite Variant Selection Theory Accounting for Transformation Rotations and Applied Stress Fields: Predictions of Variant Clusters in Titanium” 2020 JOM 72:594-3607. 10.1007/s11837-020-04327-w
  4. Mills, S.H. Noebe, R.D. Dellacorte, C. Amin-ahmadi, B. Stebner, A.P. “Development of Nickel-Rich Nickel-Titanium-Hafnium Alloys for Tribological Applications” 2020 Shape Memory and Superelasticity 6:311-322. 10.1007/s40830-020-00296-w
  5. Sridhar, S.K., Stebner, A.P., Rollett, A.D. “Statistical variations in predicted martensite variant volume fractions in superelastically deformed NiTi modeled using habit plane variants versus correspondence variants,” 2020, International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press, 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.03.023.
  6. Diercks, D.R., Singh, A., Jha, R., Ciobanu, C.V., Stebner, A.P. “A Method of Nanoscale Analysis of the Initial Stages of Crystallization as Applied to a FINEMET Metallic Glass,” 2020, Materials Characterization, 159:110026, 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.110026.
  7. Gallmeyer, T.G., Moorthy, S., Kappes, B.B., Mills, M.J., Amin-Ahmadi, B., Stebner, A.P. “Knowledge of Process-Structure-Property Relationships to Engineer Better Heat Treatments for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufactured Inconel 718,” 2020, Additive Manufacturing, 31:100977, 10.1016/j.addma.2019.100977.
  1. Hou, H., Simsek, E., Ma, T., Johnson, N.S.,  Qian, S., Cissé, C., Stasak, D., Al Hasan, N., Zhou, L., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Levitas, V.I., Kramer, M.J., Asle Zaeem, M., Stebner, A.P., Ott, R.T., Cui, J., Takeuchi, I. “Fatigue-Resistant High-Performance Elastocaloric Materials Made by Additive Manufacturing” 2019, Science, 366:1116–1121, 10.1126/science.aax7616.
  2. Wheeler, R.W., Benafan, O., Calkins, F.T., Gao, X., GhanbariZ., Hommer, G., Lagoudas, D., Martin, D., Nicholson, D.E., Petersen, A., Phillips, F.R., Stebner, A.P., Turner, T.L. “Engineering design tools for shape memory alloy actuators: CASMART collaborative best practices and case studies,” 2019, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 30:2808–2930, 10.1177/1045389X19873390.
  3. Bucsek, A., Seiner, H., Simons, H., Yildirim, C., Cook, P., Chumlyakov, Y., Detlefs, C., Stebner, A.P. “Sub-surface measurements of the austenite microstructure in response to martensitic phase transformation,” 2019, Acta Materialia, 179:273–286, 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.08.036.
  4. Cousins, D.S., Howell, J., Suzuki, Y., Samaniuk, J.R., Stebner, A.P., Dorgan, J.R. “Infusible Acrylic Thermoplastic Resins: Tailoring of Chemorheological Properties,” 2019, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136:48006, 10.1002/app.48006.
  5. Hommer, G.M., Park, J.-S., Brunson, Z.D., Dahal, J., Kenesei, P., Mashayekhi, A., Almer, J.D., Vignes, J., Lemmer, S.R., Clausen, B., Brown, D.W., Stebner, A.P. “A Planar Biaxial Experiment Platform for In Situ High-Energy Diffraction Studies,” 2019, Experimental Mechanics, 59:749–774, 10.1007/s11340-019-00509-z .
  6. Tippey, K., Jablonski, P., Dogan, O., Almer, J., Hackenberg, R., Speer, J., Stebner, A., Clarke, K., Clarke, A., Findley, K. “Effects of Alloying and Processing Modifications on Precipitation Behavior and Elevated Temperature Strength in 9% Cr Ferritic/Martensitic Steels,” 2019, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 756:172–183, 10.1016/j.msea.2018.11.133.
  7. Lefky, C.S., Gallmeyer, T.G., Moorthy, S., Stebner, A.P., Hildreth, O.J. “Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Sensitized Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printed Inconel 718 to Dissolve Support Structures in a Self-Terminating Manner,” 2019, Additive Manufacturing, 27:526–532, 10.1016/j.addma.2019.03.020.
  8. Bucsek, A.N., Casalena, L., Pagan, D.C., Paul, P.P., Chumlyakov, Y., Mills, M.J., Stebner, A.P. “Three-Dimensional In Situ Characterization of Phase Transformation Induced Austenite Grain Refinement in Nickel-Titanium,” 2019, Scripta Materialia, 162:361–366, 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.11.043.
  9. Jha, R., Diercks, D.R., Chakraborti, N., Stebner, A.P., Ciobanu, C.V. “Interfacial energy of copper clusters in Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu alloys,” 2019, Scripta Materialia, 162:331–334, 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.11.039.
  10. Suzuki, Y., Cousins, D.S., Shinagawa, Y., Bell, R.T., Matsumoto, A., Stebner, A.P. “Phase Separation During Bulk Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate,” 2019, Polymer Journal, 51:423–431, 10.1038/s41428-018-0142-7.
  11. Bucsek, A.N., Pagan, D.C., Casalena, L., Chumlyakov, Y., Mills, M.J., Stebner, A.P. “Ferroelastic Twin Reorientation Mechanisms in Shape Memory Alloys Elucidated with 3D X-ray Microscopy,” 2019, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124:897–928, 10.1016/j.jmps.2018.12.003.
  12. Cousins, D.S., Suzuki, Y., Murray, R.E., Samaniuk, J.R., Stebner, A.P. “Recycling Glass Fiber Thermoplastic Composites from Wind Turbine Blades,” 2019, Journal of Cleaner Production, 209:1252–1263, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.286.
  13. Murray, R.E., Penumadu, D., Cousins, D., Beach, R., Snowberg, D., Berry, D., Suzuki, Y., Stebner, A.P.“Manufacturing and Flexural Characterization of Infusion-Reacted Thermoplastic Wind Turbine Blade Subcomponents,” 2019, Applied Composite Materials, 26:945–961, 10.1007/s10443-019-9760-2.
  14. Suzuki, Y., Cousins, D.S., Dorgan, J.R., Stebner, A.P., KappesB.B. “Dual-Energy X-ray Computed Tomography for Void Detection in Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” 2019, Journal of Composite Materials, 53:2349–2359, 10.1177/0021998319827091.
  15. Amin-Ahmadi, B., Noebe, R.D., Stebner, A.P. “Crack Propagation Mechanisms of an Aged Nickel-Titanium-Hafnium Shape Memory Alloy,” 2019, Scripta Materialia, 159:85–88, 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.09.019.
  1. Paranjape, H., Stebner, A.P., Bhattacharya, K. “A Macroscopic Strain-Space Model of Anisotropic, Cyclic Plasticity with Hardening,” 2018, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 149:365–372,  10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2018.01.012.
  2. Shamimi, A., Amin-Ahmadi, B., Stebner, A.P., Duerig, T. “The Effect of Low Temperature Aging and the Evolution of R-Phase in Ni-Rich NiTi,” 2018, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 4:417–427, 10.1007/s40830-018-0193-9.
  3. Randall, G.C., Dahal, J., Vecchio, J., Agarwal, S., Mehta, R., Ravichandran, G., Stebner, A.P. “Microcoining Ripples in Metal Foils,” 2018, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 148:263–271,  10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2018.08.034.
  4. Bucsek, A.N., Dale, D., Ko, J.Y.P., Chumlyakov, Y., Stebner, A.P. “Measuring Stress-Induced Martensite Microstructures Using Far-Field High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy,” 2018, Acta Crystallographica Section A, A74: 425–446, 10.1107/S205327331800880X. 
  5. Stebner, A.P., Wehrenberg, C., Li, B., Randall, G.C., John, K., Hudish, G.A., Maddox, B., Farrell, M., Park, H.-S., Remington, B., Ortiz, M., Ravichandran, G. “Strength of Tantalum Shocked at Ultrahigh Pressures,” 2018, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 732:220–227, 10.1016/j.msea.2018.06.105.
  6. Hommer, G.M., Pilchak, A.L., Stebner, A.P. “Normalized Resolved Shear Stress Calculations for Single Crystals Subjected to Multiaxial Loading,” 2018, Materialia, 2:53–57, 10.1016/j.mtla.2018.06.009.
  7. Casalena, L., Bucsek, A.N., Pagan, D.C., Hommer, G.M., Bigelow, G.S., Obstalecki, M., Noebe, R.D., Mills, M.J., Stebner, A.P. “Structure-Property Relationships of a High Strength Superelastic NiTi–1Hf Alloy,” 2018, Advanced Engineering Materials, 20(9):1800046, 10.1002/adem.201800046.
  8. Paul, P.P., Fortman, M., Paranjape, H.M., Anderson, P.M., Stebner, A.P., Brinson, C.L. “Influence of Structure and Microstructure on Deformation Localization and Crack Growth in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” 2018, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 4(2):285–293, 10.1007/s40830-018-0172-1.
  9. Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Diercks, D.R., Stebner, A.P., Ciobanu, C.V. “Combined Machine Learning and CALPHAD Approach for Discovering Processing-Structure Relationships in Soft Magnetic Alloys,” 2018, Computational Materials Science, 150:202–211, 10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.04.008.
  10. Amin-Ahmadi, B., Pauza, J., Shamimi, A., Duerig, T.W., Noebe, R.D., Stebner, A.P. “Coherency Strains of H-Phase Precipitates and Their Influence on Functional Properties of Nickel-Titanium-Hafnium Shape Memory Alloys,” 2018 Scripta Materialia, 147: 83–87, 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.01.005.
  11. Amin-Ahmadi, B., Gallmeyer, T., Pauza, J., Duerig, T., Noebe, R.D., Stebner, A.P. “Effect of a Pre-Aging Treatment on the Mechanical Behaviors of Ni50.3Ti49.7 – Hfx (x ≤ 9 at.%) Shape Memory Alloys,” 2018, Scripta Materialia, 147:11–15, 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.12.024.
  12. Paranjape, H.M., Paul, P.P., Amin-Ahmadi, B., Sharma, H., Dale, D., Ko, J.Y.P., Chumlyakov, Y.I., Brinson, L.C., Stebner, A.P. “In Situ 3D Characterization of the Deformation Mechanics of a Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystal under Multiscale Constraint,” 2018, Acta Materialia, 144:748–757, 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.11.026.
  13. Suzuki, Y., Cousins, D., Wassgren, J., Kappes, B.B., Dorgan, J., Stebner, A.P.“Kinetics and Temperature Evolution during the Bulk Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate for Vacuum-Assisted Resin Transfer Molding,” 2018, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 104:60–67, 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.10.022.
  1. Hommer, G.M., Park, J.S., Collins, P.C., Pilchak, A.L., Stebner, A.P. “A new in situ planar biaxial far-field high energy diffraction microscopy experiment,” in Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 2017, 3:61–70. 10.1007/978-3-319-41600-7_7.
  2. Paul, P., Paranjape, H.M., Amin-Ahmadi, B., Stebner, A.P., Dunand, D.C., Brinson, L.C. “Effect of Machined Feature Size Relative to the Microstructural Size on the Superelastic Performance in Polycrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” 2017, Materials Science and Engineering A, 706C:227–235, 10.1016/j.msea.2017.09.016.
  3. Paranjape, H.M., Paul, P., Sharma, H., Kenesei, P., Park, J.-S., Brinson, L.C., Stebner, A.P. “The Influence of Granular Constraints and Surface Effects on the Mechanical Response of Shape Memory Alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,” 2017, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 102:46–66 10.1016/j.jmps.2017.02.007.
  1. Bucsek, A.N., Paranjape, H.M., Stebner, A.P. “Myths and Truths of Nitinol Mechanics: Elasticity and Tension-Compression Asymmetry,” 2016, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2:264–271.
  2. Bucsek, A.N., Hudish, G.A., Bigelow, G.S., Noebe, R.D., Stebner, A.P. “Composition, Compatibility, and the Functional Performances of Ternary NiTiX High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys,” 2016, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2:62–79.
  3. Kelly, A., Stebner, A.P., Bhattacharya, K. “A Micromechanics-Inspired Constitutive Model for Shape Memory Alloys that Accounts for Initiation and Saturation of Phase Transformation,” 2016, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 97:197–224.
  4. Wheeler, R.W., Benafan, O., Gao, X., Calkins, F.T., Ghanbari, Z., Hommer, G., Lagoudas, D., Petersen, A., Pless, J.M., Stebner, A.P., Turner, T.L., “Engineering Design Tools for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators : CASMART Collaborative Best Practices and Case Studies,” in Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2016), 2016, 1–21. 10.1115/SMASIS2016-9183
  5. Hommer, G.M. Stebner, A.P. “Development of a Specimen for In-Situ Diffraction Planar Biaxial Experiments,” in Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2016, 8:45-50. 10.1007/978-3-319-21611-9_6.

Stebner, A.P., Olson, G.B., editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations: Chicago. July 9–14, 2017, Chicago, IL. Springer International Publishing, 2018.